lut 06 2011


Komentarze: 1

Napisałam list na adres email i dostałam odpowiedź:

Thank you for writing to Selena Gomez.

If you are requesting a photo of Selena, please
make sure you remembered to include your full name
and street address when you wrote your message.
If you didn't, please write again and include
your name and address. Your autographed picture
will be sent by postal mail, not by email.
Remember to include your city, state, and zip code
or postal code. If you live outside of the USA,
please also include your country.
If you know that you gave your name and address
the first time, you don't need to send it again
Due to Selena's popularity, a lot of fans are writing
to her now, so it will probably take several months
to get the picture to you. Please be patient.

You don't need to send your address if you don't
want to receive the picture.

The picture is FREE to you, as a gift from Selena
to her fans!

Selena appreciates everyone's cards, letters and
emails, but asks that you please not send packages
to her.

Jeśli ktoś umie to prosze o przetłumaczenie będe wdzieczna.

kaczucha264 : : list  
13 marca 2011, 22:17
Tu chodzi mniej wiecej o to że jesli chcesz dostac zdjecie z jej autografem to musisz wyslac e-maila ze swoimi danymi i adresem (chyba ze zrobilas to w pierwyszym e-mailu). Musisz napisac imię nazwisko adres i kraj. ; ) I nie martw sie gdy zdjecie nie dojdzie zbyt szybko. a ona duzo fanow wiec moze to potrwac nawet kilka miesięcy ;D

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